Saturday, February 16, 2013

Confessions of a disgruntled fan

Okay, if you are a big fan of Supernatural and Jared Padalecki in particular, and think that the show and/or he can do NO wrong whatsoever at any time, please turn back. I need to vent my frustration and I can't worry about whether or not it's going to upset certain people or have them calling for my death. So...


I see you still there. I won't continue until you leave... *taps foot*


Alrighty. I became a fan of this show in its early days. I mean, really early. Like 6 years ago at least. At the time I thought both the guys were awesome. I was a fan of Sam a bit more than Dean, but I loved them both. Jared's sweet puppy-like persona really drew him to me and I started liking him over Jensen (even though I loved Jensen as well). I attended some of the Supernatural conventions and had a lot of fun. For the most part both Jared and Jensen met my expectations.

I'm not sure when it happened, but Jared started getting on my nerves a little and I started losing respect for him. It was probably around the time he first married his wife and had to drop her name in every frickin interview he did. And a lot of the OTT PDA at cons and etc which seemed mostly for the fans. People in my family have seen videos of cons and have said not-so-nice stuff about him, but I'd always try to defend him. After a while it got hard for me to do that. I remember the fan at a con bringing up his support of PETA and asking if he knew what PETA really did. Yeah Jared got flustered and wasn't expecting it, but the way he presented his answer to her bugged me somewhat. He mentioned something about how "99% of the culture doesn't view this as you do" and I thought "wow that sounds kinda snooty." Made me side-eye him. There were also reports from good friends of mine from that con regarding his behavior. I know I wasn't there but I did trust my friends and was disappointed about what they had to say.

I haven't been to a con in years. I can no longer afford them and frankly I no longer have any interest invested in them to attend. Creation has angered me for quite a while and they are the only cons in North America.

Then Jared got Twitter and I really started side-eying him. I thought oh boy, most celebs on Twitter are attention whores and they really embarrass themselves. I hoped that wouldn't happen and his Twitter wasn't so bad at first. But it got there. Jared ventured into politics and before you say it, I know he is entitled to his opinions like everyone else. But he didn't need to present them the way he did and in front of fandom like that. He's also made some not-so-respectful comments regarding religion at cons, and the latest? He favorited a tweet by Bill Maher basically saying religious people = stupid people. He didn't say this outright on his own Twitter but the fact that he made this tweet a favorite shows what he thinks. It doesn't make him any less guilty. Again it's his opinion BUT. What does he then think of the SPN fans and possibly fans of his that might be religious? Do they not count because they help line his pockets? Gee maybe you could've mentioned them and not painted with such a broad brush. He tweeted support for Obama after the election and got some flak for doing that, though I doubt he cared about alienating part of the fan base.

The very last straw for me was how he didn't tweet any support for people affected by Sandy. Instead he chose to say something snide about the NJ governor.

I just find it hard to respect someone who acts like this. He really seems to have gotten too big for his britches. His head has swelled to epic proportions and it seems nothing can stop it. Sad because I used to enjoy him in the early years of the show. But I'm done with him.

There. It felt good to get that off my chest. In case any of you SPN/Jared fanatics did actually read this all the way to the end and are calling for my death, I don't want to hear about it. You were warned.

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