Friday, September 20, 2013

Wow! I'm honored...

I should have posted this a while ago, but I never got the chance. I'm looking at my stats and it seems like I had an awful lot of views from February to May! Wow, I really am flattered, guys. I'm assuming it's the lovely people who got offended by what I posted here during that timeframe. And wow, you all come from such different areas of the globe. Good news travels fast, I take it?

So how many of you are still lurking around here, hoping I'll say something awful about certain people that will make you all talk amongst yourselves about what a horrible person I am. Hey, maybe you'll all go to a fan venue which these people are appearing at and tell them in person what a witch I am for "hating on them"! Maybe you'll even have the guts to give them my screen name and/or the link to this blog!

So really, how many of you are still here? At least have the guts to comment and tell me. One thing I can't stand is cowards. If you hate me that much, comment and tell me what an awful person I am. Go on, do it. I look forward to laughing in your face and getting on with my life and concentrating on things that really matter.

(NB: to my friends here who like me no matter what... sorry if I sound really provoking here. I'm feeling a little buzzed at the moment and in a good mood. You guys rock and I thank you for being friends with me no matter what)

Pet peeves

Got a few pet peeves I'd like to sound off on today.

1. I can't stand it when female friends refer to me and their other female friends as "bitches." I get it - it's slang and it's supposed to be a term of endearment. Well, I'm sorry but I don't see it as that. I see it as an insult. Not that I'd call each of them out and say "Don't you dare call me that or we're gonna have trouble." No, I'd politely ask them if they could leave me out of that because I just don't like being referred to as that.

2. I can't stand grammar nazi's. Oh, how I can't stand them. Look, I was in AP English in high school (not to pat myself on the back - to this day I still wonder how the heck I got into it - but to make my point). I am aware of bad/incorrect grammar when someone uses it either online or in person. Yes, sometimes it makes me cringe. But I don't go out of my way to correct the person. I don't huff and turn my nose up in the air and say "I'm sorry, I feel I must correct your absolutely awful grammar and show you just how very stupid you are." To me it comes off as rude. Years ago I was active in a Yahoo group for a certain fandom. There was a woman there who was a big cheese of a writer. And an attention hog. She felt it was her duty to correct anyone whom she felt was not as intelligent as she was (which, sadly, was almost everyone). The group was having some random conversation about something related to the show. I believe it was related to certain characters' hairstyles. I'd mentioned something about one of the characters having bangs. She immediately corrected me, saying the character never wore bangs. And then she took it upon herself to provide me with the actual word definition from Webster's Dictionary. I kid you not. My reply? "Heh, well, thanks, but I know what bangs are. My mother made me wear them for about 10 years." Seriously, where do people get off?! Are they trying to compensate for their own shortcomings by doing what they think is pointing out others' ignorance? After a while I confronted her about it and she apologized. She said she just liked to help people out if they didn't know the word definition, but she's been told by other people that they don't appreciate it so she's stopped.

You know how grammar nazi's make those around them feel? Like "Oh, here comes [insert nazi's name here]. I'd better carefully think out what I'm going to say and make sure it doesn't have any grammatical errors, lest they open their stupid mouth again because I'm so tired of it."

It's just rude. Please, stop it. If you want to joke about it, that's fine, but everyone has their limits and you should realize that. There's just so much people can take. Gah, when will they learn that it's not tactful at all?

Sorry. I just needed to say that. Hope I didn't piss anyone off, especially the grammar nazi's. *g*

Oh, and by the by, here's a link that applies. I suggest everyone (especially the grammar nazis) read it. Good stuff.